Batman Solo Film With Ben Affleck Confirmed by Warner Bros.

Batfleck's coming back for more.

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As one DC movie-related rumor is ignited—like talk about a theatrical release of the R-rated cut of Batman v Superman (because money, or rather lack of)—another gets put to rest, and by rest I mean confirmed. Rumor had it Ben Affleck had penned a solo Batman film and now Warner Bros. confirms the Batfleck shall rise again for a standalone film. 

The standalone Batman film was all but confirmed when William Morris Endeavor's co-CEO Patrick Whitesell (who boasts Affleck as a client) told The Hollywood Reporter in a cover story that a script for the standalone film existed. "There's a script that he's written that is a really cool [Batman] idea, so that's out there as an option," said Whitesell. 

Colliderreports Warner Bros. confirmed the film with an announcement at CinemaCon. There Warner Bros. chairman and CEO Kevin Tsujihara talked about the 10 upcoming DC movies set to come out in the next five years.

"We're excited to be working with Ben Affleck on a standalone Batman film," Tsujihara said, according toCollider.

Collidernotes Tsujihara didn't specify if Affleck would be working on the film by directing, by starring, or by possibly doing both. However, The Wrapreports Affleck is directing quoting Tsujihara as saying, "I'm also excited we'll be working with filmmakers like Ben Affleck in a standalone 'Batman.'" Why else would Affleck's directing be mentioned if he wasn't directing right?

The solo Batman film was not given a release date, but Colliderpredicts it could be slated for either of the release dates that currently don't have movies attached to them: October 5, 2018 and November 1, 2019.

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